![]() |
1) Residence Group I
Residence Group I will include the following 18 countries:
Countries |
Countries |
1 |
10 |
Liberia |
2 |
Burundi | 11 | North Korea |
3 |
Chad |
12 | Pakistan |
4 |
Democratic Liberia Western Sahara
Republic of the Congo (Zaire) |
13 | Palestine |
5 |
Chechen Republic | 14 | Somalia |
6 |
Haiti | 15 | Sudan |
7 |
Iran | 16 | Western Sahara |
8 |
Iraq | 17 | Yemen |
9 |
Israel - West bank, Gaza,Jerusalem | 18 | Zimbabwe |
NRls and Foreign Nationals of Indian origin residing in the above countries will
be allowed insurance cover without charging any residence extra:
i. Under Table Nos. 48, 162,171, 167 and 175, 178, 802 with Single Premium
Mode Only (for Table No. 167 with premium paying term 3-5 yrs)
Maximum policy term of 15 years
Maximum Sum Assured of Rs. 10 lacs
All pension products without any life cover can be allowed without any limit
without charging residence extra to NRls but not Foreign Nationals of Indian
2) Residence Group II
Residence Group II will include the following 39 countries:
Countries |
Countries |
1 |
21 |
2 |
22 |
3 |
23 |
4 |
24 |
5 |
25 |
6 | Azerbaijan | 26 | Nigeria |
7 | Bosnia | 27 | Papua New Guinea |
8 | C African Republic | 28 | Russia -
Ufa/Bashkiristan/Chechn Ethiopia iya/Ossetia |
9 | Colombia | 29 | Rwanda |
10 | Comoros | 30 | Tajikistan |
11 | EI Salvador | 31 | Tanzania |
12 | Equitorial Guinea - Malabo | 32 | Togo |
13 | Eritrea | 33 | Uganda |
14 | Ethiopia | 34 | Uzbekistan |
15 | Guatemala | 35 | Venezuela -Remote areas |
16 | Kyrgyzstan | 36 | Yugoslavia(Serbia) |
17 | Macedonia | 37 | Zambia |
18 | Madagascar | 38 | Georgia |
19 | Mali | 39 | Senegal |
20 | Monteserrat |
NRls and Foreign Nationals of Indian origin residing in the above countries will
be allowed insurance cover without charging any residence extra:
i. Under Table Nos. 48, 162, 171, 167 and 175, 178,802
with Single Premium
Mode Only(for Table No. 167 with premium paying term 3-5 yrs)
Maximum policy term of 15 years
Maximum sum Assured of Rs. 25 lacs
All pension products without any life cover can be allowed without any limit
without charging residence extra to NRls but not Foreign Nationals of Indian
NRls and Foreign Nationals of Indian origin residing in countries mentioned in
Residence Group I and II will not be allowed insurance under other plans.
3) Residence Group III
Residence Group III will consist of the following 29 countries:
Countries |
Countries |
1 | |
16 |
2 |
17 |
3 | |
18 | Gabon |
4 | Cambodia | 19 | Ghana |
5 | Cameroon | 20 | Mozambique |
6 | Jamaica | 21 | Mauritania |
7 | Kazakhstan | 22 | Micronesia |
8 | Laos | 23 | Moldova |
9 | Lesotho | 24 | Mongolia |
10 | Malawi | 25 | Myanmar (Burma) |
11 | Nicaragua | 26 | Gambia |
12 | Paraguay - remote areas | 27 | Guyana |
13 | Peru - other cities | 28 | Honduras |
14 | Suriname | 29 | Namibia |
15 | Tibet (China) |
NRls and Foreign Nationals of Indian origin residing in the above countries will
be allowed cover with a residence extra of Rs. 4 %0 for a maximum rated up
sum assured of Rs. 25 lacs. The insurance will be offered under plans other than
pure term insurance (Table Nos. 43, 52, 58, 164 & 190). Term rider and CI rider
will also not be allowed.
Residence Group IV
Residence Group IV will consist of the following 4 countries:
Countries |
Countries |
1 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
Residence Group V
Residence Group V will consist of the following 11 countries:
Countries |
Countries |
1 |
7 |
2 |
8 |
3 |
9 |
Belarus |
4 |
10 |
Egypt |
5 |
Tunisia | 11 |
Indonesia |
6 |
Phillipines |
NRls and Foreign Nationals of Indian origin residing in the above countries will
be allowed cover with a residence extra of Rs. 2 %0 for a maximum rated up
sum assured of Rs. 1 cr. The insurance will be offered under plans other than
pure term insurance (Table Nos. 43, 52,58, 164 & 190). Term rider and CI rider
will also not be allowed.
Residence Group VI
Residence Group VI will consist of the following 6 countries:
Countries |
Countries |
1 |
4 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
6 |
Dominican Republic |
NRls and Foreign Nationals of Indian origin residing in the above countries will
be allowed cover with a residence extra of Rs. 1 %0 for a maximum rated up
sum assured of Rs. 1 cr. The insurance will be offered under plans other than
pure term insurance (Table Nos. 43, 52, b8, 164 & 190). Term rider and CI rider
will also not be allowed.
In addition to the above, NRls and Foreign Nationals of Indian origin residing in
Residence Groups III to VI can be allowed cover without charging any residence extra as follows: -
I. Under Table Nos. 48, 162,167, 171, 175, 178 and 802 with Single
Premium Mode Only
ii Under Table No. 167 (with premium paying term 3-5 yrs)
Maximum policy term of 15 years
Maximum sum Assured
Group 111- Rs 25 lacs
Group IV - 50 lacs
Group V & VI - 1 Cr
All pension products without any life cover can be allowed without any limit
without charging residence extra to NRls but not Foreign Nationals of Indian
Proposals from residents of Libya, Syria are to be postponed till further instructions.
Residence Group VII
Residence Group VII will consist of the following 99 countries:
Countries |
Countries |
1 |
Andorra | 51 | Luxembourg |
2 |
Anguilla | 52 | Macau (part of China) |
3 |
Antigua & Barbuda | 53 | Madeira |
4 |
Aruba | 54 | Oman |
5 | Australia | 55 | Poland |
6 | Austria | 56 | Portugal |
7 | Bahamas | 57 | Qatar |
8 | Bahrain | 58 | Reunion (France) |
9 | Bangladesh | 59 | Romania |
10 | Barbados | 60 | Russia-Major cities |
11 | Belgium | 61 | S Korea |
12 | Belize | 62 | Saudi Arabia |
13 | Bermuda | 63 | Seychelles |
14 | Bhutan | 64 | Singapore |
15 | Brazil | 65 | Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City |
16 | British Virgin Islands | 66 | Slovak Rep |
17 | Brunei | 67 | Slovenia |
18 | Bulgaria | 68 | South Africa (Cape
Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Durban) |
19 | Canada | 69 | Spain |
20 | Canary Islands | 70 | Sri Lanka |
21 | Cape Verde | 71 | St Kitts and Nevis |
22 | Chile | 72 | St Lucia |
23 | China | 73 | St Martin (France & Holland) |
24 | Croatia | 74 | Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur |
25 | Cyprus | 75 | Maldives |
26 | Czech | 76 | Malta |
27 | Denmark | 77 | Martinique ( France) |
28 | Estonia | 78 | Mauritius |
29 | Falkland Islands (UK) | 79 | Mexico |
30 | Fiji | 80 | Monaco |
31 | Finland | 81 | Nepal |
32 | France | 82 | Netherland Antilles |
33 | Germany | 83 | Netherlands |
34 | Gibraltar | 84 | New Caledonia |
35 | Greece | 85 | New Zealand |
36 | Greenland | 86 | Norway |
37 | Guadeloupe | 87 | St Vincent and Grenadines |
38 | Guam | 88 | Sweden |
39 | Hong Kong | 89 | Switzerland |
40 | Hungary | 90 | Taiwan |
41 | Iceland | 91 | Thailand |
42 | Ireland | 92 | Trinidad & Tobago (TT) |
43 | Israel - Tel Aviv | 93 | Turkey |
44 | Italy | 94 | Turks and Caicos |
45 | Japan | 95 | U.A.E. |
46 | Jordan | 96 | UK |
47 | Kuwait | 97 | US Virgin Islands |
48 | Latvia | 98 | USA |
49 | Leichtenstein | 99 | Venezuela - Caracas |
50 | Lithuania |
Proposals from NRls residing in the above 98 countries can be accepted without
charging any residence extra under all plans of assurance and in accordance
with the existing guidelines applicable to NRls. However, critical illness rider
will not be allowed.
Executive Director (Underwriting & Reinsurance)