
Non Life Insurance - What is expected of the insured in the event of an accident involving damage to the vehicle and/or injury to third party ?
Class=""> When an accident takes place, a report should be immediately filed with the insurance company and a set of claim forms submitted to them. An estimate for repairs and/or replacements has also to be prepared and submitted. The insurance company may then appoint an independent Surveyor who will also value the damage and hold discussions with the repairers and arrive at the amount at which the claim will be settled.

On completion of the survey, the repair work can be undertaken. When the relevant bills are produced, settlement will be made under the Policy. The claim amount may be paid either directly to the repairer or to the Insured if the latter has already made payment to the repairer and holds proof of the same.

In case of settlement of claim either for total loss of the vehicle or for replacement of certain items, such damaged vehicle or parts belong to the insurance company. They may arrange for disposal of the same in the best manner possible.

Death or Injury to Third Party:

The moment an accident takes place and a third party is involved, a report should be immediately filed with the police. Simultaneously, notice should be sent to the Insurance Company.

No settlement should be made with the third parties for any compensation to the latter and no commitment should be entered into with regard to the Insured's liability with the third parties.

All dealings with the third parties will be only with the knowledge and approval of the Insurance Company. Any claim from third parties will have to be suitably defended in consultation with the Insurance company and expenses for such defence will be payable by the insurance company if incurred with their consent.